
The CBA/CBF Task Force on the Sustainable Practice of Law & Innovation has release their report and list of recommendations. They are requesting comments on their recommendations by August 21. Interested parties can comment in writing (following instructions on this page) or by attending the Zoom meetings also listed there.

The recommendations can be summarized as follows:

Helping lawyers to connect to more potential clients and offer more affordable and accessible solutions

  • Recognizing a new Intermediary Entity model to help connect lawyers with potential clients
  • Modernizing the Rules so that lawyers can offer technology-based services
  • Improving the Rules for limited scope representation
  • Developing new or amended Rules on alternative fees and fee petitions
  • Recognizing a new Licensed Paralegal model so that lawyers can offer more efficient and affordable services in high volume areas of need

Helping people to recognize they have a legal problem and where they can turn for affordable and reliable legal help

  • Streamlining the Rules concerning lawyer advertising
  • Recognizing a new Community Justice Navigator model to replicate the success of the Illinois JusticeCorps program in the courts
  • Developing a new Rule for technology-based legal products
  • Creating a hub for the public to find Court-approved sources for information and assistance (technology-based products/services, Community Justice Navigators, and Intermediary Entities

Spurring more innovation in the profession and delivery of services

  • Enabling lawyers to collaborate with other professionals integral to business success (n ew Intermediary Entity, technology-based service rules
  • Adopting a clearer practice of law definition with a recognized safe harbor
  • Giving lawyers a path to work with entities offering technology-based products in the legal market
  • Proposing a broader plain language review of the Rules to modernize the Rules with the lightest hand of regulation needed to achieve the Court’s regulatory objectives