
The Arizona Supreme Court has made changes to rules important to legal innovation and access to justice. From the press release:

The Court approved modifications to the court rules regulating the practice of law, which allows for two significant changes. One change is a licensure process that will allow nonlawyers, called “Legal Paraprofessionals” (LPs), to provide limited legal services to the public, including being able to go into court with their client. The other change is the elimination of the rule prohibiting fee sharing and prohibiting nonlawyers from having economic interests in law firms. With these modifications, Arizona is set to implement the most far-reaching changes to the regulation of the practice of law of any state thus far.

See the order for R-20-0034 (Legal Paraprofessionals and Alternative Business Structures).

See the order for R-20-0030 (Lawyer advertising, referrals and other).