On June 28th, 2021 the special committee to improve the delivery of legal services issued its final report entitled “FINAL REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO IMPROVE THE DELIVERY OF LEGAL SERVICES.”
The Committee is recommending that Florida adopt a Law Practice Innovation Lab Program. The Committee is recommending that the Lab be under the direction of a Commission established and supervised by the Court. There are primarily two areas of the Committee’s recommendations where the Lab will allow for innovation and provide valuable data by looking at changes to Florida’s version of Model Rule 5.4 and a Limited Assistance Paralegal Program.
The committee is recommending that Rule 5.4 would be amended to permit nonlawyers to have a non-controlling equity interest in law firms. Passive ownership of law firms would not be allowed.
The Limited Assistance Paralegal Pilot Program would allow a qualified Florida Registered Paralegal to assist a client in preparing and filing legal forms, provide some information to the client regarding their legal matter, and provide ministerial assistance in court proceedings. All of these must be performed in a law office.